Saturday, April 16, 2011

something new

Welp, here I am.

Not sure if anyone is going to read this, but I wanted somewhere where I could write thoughts, share ideas, grow, and explore, all through the written word...well I suppose the 21st century written word :-)

Although as many of you know (those who know me), I usually do not have a problem speaking my mind or sharing how I feel, however, this blog is a way for me to open up and in a way, a therapeutic tool that I hope will aid me in my path of regaining strength and recovering from a very tough year.

Shoot, now I don't know exactly what to say...(surprise!)

I guess I will start this blog off by sharing one of my favorite recipes...Not exactly opening my soul up to the world, but this blog is going to be a mixed bag!

This is an amazing recipe I came across, my mother (who is the queen of baking) actually got this one from me and I am proud to say that she loves it too!  Hope you enjoy and thanks for checking this out! Ha, I might be the only one...but thats okay too :-)

Warm Apple Buttermilk Custard Pie

Thought it would be a great idea to post this site as well, my friend Dan shared this with me and its my new favorite wasting-time-on-the-web guilty pleasure!  Guaranteed warm and fuzzies all over!

Cute Roulette

and if you are wondering where I got my title from, Robert Frost's poem was one that I read in 7th grade.  It really touched me and has followed me ever since, if you haven't read it, or would like to read it again, its a beautiful one.  I feel that it puts words to the place in life that Im currently at...

The Road Not Taken -- Robert Frost

To all my current and future followers...much love
